Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Holy Moses is a hot young band on the cusp of stardom. They journey to a secluded Northern California hamlet to perform what is touted as the gig that will propel them to stardom. Instead, it's the beginning of a remarkably macabre adventure.
The band is taken captive by a strange family. The band members are subjected to unimaginable horrors before being brutally slaughtered.
But the fun begins when they are resurrected and become the HARD ROCK ZOMBIES. They're set to give their greatest performance as they rock 'n' roll their way to vengeance in an all out attack on the crazed clan.
HARD ROCK ZOMBIES - you just can't keep a good band down!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Low Blow

He's LEO FONG, a martial arts expert, who holds the explosive power of lightning in his hands- lethal weapons ready to strike at a moments notice! Fong answers the call to battle as the streets of San Francisco explode with action! Troy Donahue, Cameron Mitchell and Akosua Busia star in the searing thriller from the makers of KILLPOINT! When a wealthy businessman needs to rescue his daughter from the grasp from a mind controlling cult, he knows who to call... Leo Fong! Fong waists no time in assembling an awesome display of firepower- recruiting an underworld all-star team featuring the toughest vigilantes and mercenaries ready to do battle with a ruthless array of crazed cult followers. Wong and his troops are ready- they prepare, and strike first... with a deadly LOW BLOW!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Falcon Crest's Daniel Greene stars in this sci-fi stunner set in the bleak futureworld of 1997. The Earth is bleached and battered by toxic gases and acid rain... The human race teeters on the verge of extinction... Only one lone scientist to give mankind hope.
Paco Querak is a superstrong half-man, half-machine cyborg, hired to terminate the scientist. He must out smart and out battle him in a true test of brawn- But Paco sympathizes with the scientist. John Saxon co-stars as a ruthless programmer determined to finish the mission: His goal could mean utter disaster.
When metal meshes with man... When the planet reels under ecological horror... The fate of the world may rest in HAND OF STEEL.  

Friday, August 3, 2012


Pompeii, 79A.D. A city seething with sordid life. A place of unbridled decadence and unlimited opulence. Here, human life is of little consequence, bought and sold daily, with no thought to morality.
Gladiators battle one another for the rights to young slave girls. Elaborate auctions sell the virtues of beautiful women and young men to the highest bidder. Extravagant brothels display the enslaved beauties for the pleasure of wealthy heathens. The atrocities mount... until one woman can take o more.
Princess Berenice, mistress of the Roman Emperor, discovers the stunning captive girl Vespa, a compatriot from her homeland, in one of Pompeii's most barbaric brothels. Berenice vows to use all power to save the women from their miserable existence. She wages battle against the corrupt mayor, his decadent court and his brutal henchmen. The WARRIOR QUEEN will bring Pompeii to its knees, and lead the innocent to a new beginning, before her work is done.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


On July 14, 1950, a French convoy with valuable documents, art treasures and some say - even DIAMONDS was ambushed by the Vietcong.
Years passed, at the height of the escalating war in Indochina, Capt. John Brady and his team discover a tunnel from which Gen. Diap, the brilliant NVA strategist, is directing the war operation. In a lightning commando attack, they abduct the general.