Friday, August 3, 2012


Pompeii, 79A.D. A city seething with sordid life. A place of unbridled decadence and unlimited opulence. Here, human life is of little consequence, bought and sold daily, with no thought to morality.
Gladiators battle one another for the rights to young slave girls. Elaborate auctions sell the virtues of beautiful women and young men to the highest bidder. Extravagant brothels display the enslaved beauties for the pleasure of wealthy heathens. The atrocities mount... until one woman can take o more.
Princess Berenice, mistress of the Roman Emperor, discovers the stunning captive girl Vespa, a compatriot from her homeland, in one of Pompeii's most barbaric brothels. Berenice vows to use all power to save the women from their miserable existence. She wages battle against the corrupt mayor, his decadent court and his brutal henchmen. The WARRIOR QUEEN will bring Pompeii to its knees, and lead the innocent to a new beginning, before her work is done.

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