Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The authorities refuse to intervene. But somebody, somehow, must stop a murderous gang of drug smugglers. That somebody is Marine Sergeant Scott Youngblood, the pride of the Corps. And that somehow means the killers will soon stare down the barrel of Youngblood's Instant Justice.
 Michael Pare stars as Sgt. Youngblood, an all-American hero intent on enforcing the age-old "eye-for-an-eye" code of ethics that has made box office successes of films like Rambo: First Blood Part Two, Commando and Raw Deal. When Youngblood's journey to Madrid to visit his sister becomes a trip to identify her body, he sets out after the murderers. Assisted by expatriate photographer and a gorgeous model, he plunges into a chic world where cocaine is king, might makes any crime right and he's badly out numbered. But numbers mean nothing. The Marines have always relied on a few good men... and sometimes, even one.
Unwilling to compromise the Marine code of honor by his own actions, Youngblood resigns from the Corps, then raids the Marine armory to acquire his firepower. But once a Marine, always a Marine. From grimy back alleys to the drug kingpins posh home, from a deadly bullfighting arena to a remote airstrip where Youngblood's barreling Trans-Am jousts headlong with cars and a plane, the sergeant unleashes a bullet-laced vendetta, a heart-pounding revenge marked by the skill and valor of the few and the proud.
From the halls of Montezuma... and now Madrid, one Marine's stirring story unfolds for all actions fans in Instant Justice.

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