Monday, July 9, 2012


It is 1990 and the Bronx has been officially declared a " No Man's Land." In a catastrophic uprising, the dregs of society this metropolitan wasteland have violently rebelled against the fat cats of Manhattan. Authorities have withdrawn all law enforcement groups, and surrender the borough to the rule of its contending warrior gangs.
It is in this grim landscape that Anne, a Manhattan runway, and Trash, a motorcycle-gang leader fall in love. But their romance is short lived, falling prey to the scheming of Hammer. In the employment of the Manhattan Corporation and charged with bringing Anne back, Hammer sparks a new and vicious round of feuding.
Ultimately, several gangs align, in spite of their differences, and engage in a deadly battle with Hammer and his forces. In a rubble strewn fortress, the final showdown begins. Thrilling, fast-paced, and barbaric, 1990: THE BRONX WARRIORS is an unforgettable descent into a futuristic inferno.

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