Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Linda Blair is Brenda, vivacious leader of the "Satins," a fun-loving group of pretty high school girls. The Satins are in for trouble from the first moment they play a harmless trick on the "Scars"- a vicious gang who run loose on the Hollywood streets. 
The Scars and their malevolent leader Jake take their revenge seriously - first with Brenda's deaf-mute sister, then her soon-to-be-married best friend. Caught up in her rivalry with the cheerleaders, Brenda is at first unaware of the Scars' involvement, but is soon shocked with the whole truth. Shock... hatred... and then a deadly vengeance in a skin tight black suit, as Brenda searches out the gang members one by one. 
SAVAGE STREETS-Where the only rule is "eye for an eye."

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