Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The American West had everything:  gunfighters, outlaws, renegades and lawmen.
But never before was there a champion like Shanghai Joe.
A man of Peace forced to use his skills of Korean wrestling and Kung Fu in a battle to the death with the rich, power mad land barons determined to crush the pioneer spirit.
His only weapons are his fists…But just try to stop him!
A legendary hero who smashed his way from China, across the American West…and into history!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Follow the zany, action-packed escapades of two suspended cops who become THE BAD GUYS, the wildest and wackiest tag-team in the history of professional wrestling.  Whether it’s dealing with shady fight promoters or struggling to beat the notoriously evil Kremlin Krushers, THE BAD GUYS win hands down in this outrageous, no-holds-barred comedy!
“The final free-for-all in which the young heroes, in star-spangled briefs and headbands, do in the Krushers, in red pants with U.S.S.R. printed down the side, must stir every patriotic impulse, especially when the Russians are attempting to desecrate Old Glory and Sgt. Slaughter, a real-life professional wrestler and embodiment of the ideal of patriotism, rises to prevent unfair play…The fans go wild.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


The year is 1897. A widow living on the outskirts of the small town of Aurora reports an encounter with a mysterious "stranger." A school girl walking alone on a dry riverbed discovers a curious space craft and a large diamond-like jewel. The town rogue plays an unforgettable game of checkers with an "uninvited guest." And three little girls are saved from a mine cave-in by a disappearing guardian.
Aurora has discovered an alien. Friendly and mischievous, with an incredible innocence detectable through his kind eyes and smile, the alien also possesses extraordinary powers of the mind. AURORA ENCOUNTER- a heart-warming tale of Aurora's out-of-the-ordinary visitor who transforms a sleepy little town into a community who is alive with wonder, discovery and, most of all hope.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The authorities refuse to intervene. But somebody, somehow, must stop a murderous gang of drug smugglers. That somebody is Marine Sergeant Scott Youngblood, the pride of the Corps. And that somehow means the killers will soon stare down the barrel of Youngblood's Instant Justice.
 Michael Pare stars as Sgt. Youngblood, an all-American hero intent on enforcing the age-old "eye-for-an-eye" code of ethics that has made box office successes of films like Rambo: First Blood Part Two, Commando and Raw Deal. When Youngblood's journey to Madrid to visit his sister becomes a trip to identify her body, he sets out after the murderers. Assisted by expatriate photographer and a gorgeous model, he plunges into a chic world where cocaine is king, might makes any crime right and he's badly out numbered. But numbers mean nothing. The Marines have always relied on a few good men... and sometimes, even one.
Unwilling to compromise the Marine code of honor by his own actions, Youngblood resigns from the Corps, then raids the Marine armory to acquire his firepower. But once a Marine, always a Marine. From grimy back alleys to the drug kingpins posh home, from a deadly bullfighting arena to a remote airstrip where Youngblood's barreling Trans-Am jousts headlong with cars and a plane, the sergeant unleashes a bullet-laced vendetta, a heart-pounding revenge marked by the skill and valor of the few and the proud.
From the halls of Montezuma... and now Madrid, one Marine's stirring story unfolds for all actions fans in Instant Justice.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Holy Moses is a hot young band on the cusp of stardom. They journey to a secluded Northern California hamlet to perform what is touted as the gig that will propel them to stardom. Instead, it's the beginning of a remarkably macabre adventure.
The band is taken captive by a strange family. The band members are subjected to unimaginable horrors before being brutally slaughtered.
But the fun begins when they are resurrected and become the HARD ROCK ZOMBIES. They're set to give their greatest performance as they rock 'n' roll their way to vengeance in an all out attack on the crazed clan.
HARD ROCK ZOMBIES - you just can't keep a good band down!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Low Blow

He's LEO FONG, a martial arts expert, who holds the explosive power of lightning in his hands- lethal weapons ready to strike at a moments notice! Fong answers the call to battle as the streets of San Francisco explode with action! Troy Donahue, Cameron Mitchell and Akosua Busia star in the searing thriller from the makers of KILLPOINT! When a wealthy businessman needs to rescue his daughter from the grasp from a mind controlling cult, he knows who to call... Leo Fong! Fong waists no time in assembling an awesome display of firepower- recruiting an underworld all-star team featuring the toughest vigilantes and mercenaries ready to do battle with a ruthless array of crazed cult followers. Wong and his troops are ready- they prepare, and strike first... with a deadly LOW BLOW!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Falcon Crest's Daniel Greene stars in this sci-fi stunner set in the bleak futureworld of 1997. The Earth is bleached and battered by toxic gases and acid rain... The human race teeters on the verge of extinction... Only one lone scientist to give mankind hope.
Paco Querak is a superstrong half-man, half-machine cyborg, hired to terminate the scientist. He must out smart and out battle him in a true test of brawn- But Paco sympathizes with the scientist. John Saxon co-stars as a ruthless programmer determined to finish the mission: His goal could mean utter disaster.
When metal meshes with man... When the planet reels under ecological horror... The fate of the world may rest in HAND OF STEEL.  

Friday, August 3, 2012


Pompeii, 79A.D. A city seething with sordid life. A place of unbridled decadence and unlimited opulence. Here, human life is of little consequence, bought and sold daily, with no thought to morality.
Gladiators battle one another for the rights to young slave girls. Elaborate auctions sell the virtues of beautiful women and young men to the highest bidder. Extravagant brothels display the enslaved beauties for the pleasure of wealthy heathens. The atrocities mount... until one woman can take o more.
Princess Berenice, mistress of the Roman Emperor, discovers the stunning captive girl Vespa, a compatriot from her homeland, in one of Pompeii's most barbaric brothels. Berenice vows to use all power to save the women from their miserable existence. She wages battle against the corrupt mayor, his decadent court and his brutal henchmen. The WARRIOR QUEEN will bring Pompeii to its knees, and lead the innocent to a new beginning, before her work is done.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


On July 14, 1950, a French convoy with valuable documents, art treasures and some say - even DIAMONDS was ambushed by the Vietcong.
Years passed, at the height of the escalating war in Indochina, Capt. John Brady and his team discover a tunnel from which Gen. Diap, the brilliant NVA strategist, is directing the war operation. In a lightning commando attack, they abduct the general.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


The one and only Mr. T leads an of-the-wall cast of comic crazies in this no-crashes-barred tale of a wild cab company "serving" the nation's capital. This manic high-comedy stars Oscar nominee Gary Busey, pop superstar Irene Cara and the versatile Adam Baldwin as a wide-eyed youth determined to turn the fortunes of the rag-tag fleet around by winning over the decidedly different drivers to his optimistic way of thinking. The high energy entertainment features the movie debuts of top stand-up comics Charlie Barnett, Bill Maher, Paul Rodriguez and Marsha Warfield and has enough high-octane action to beat a rush hour traffic jam.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Corby McHale's an ex-cop in a little trouble with the law. But what he doesn't know is that his troubles are just beginning...
The year is 1993. Earth's fuel sources are rapidly decaying. A recently established top-secret government project regarding the deep space mining of a revolutionary new energy source is under way- independently financed and protected at any cost by a mysterious corporation who motives may not be as pure as the gullible public is lead to believe. Code named: HELLFIRE, this new energy source in its stable form is 100% manageable- no fallout, no acid rain, no ill effects. In its unstable form, however, HELLFIRE is capable of igniting human flesh and completely disintegrating the body. 
After underground protests its use result in the brutal murder of a high ranking corporate executive, the corporation's own motives come under investigation. And Corby McHAle is caught right in the middle... Up against the rich and ruthless whose power has no limit and who will do anything to protect    their deadly secret. The closer McHale gets to the solution, the deadlier the game becomes!

Monday, July 23, 2012


She has beauty and brains, something the psychotic gang of bloodthirsty survivalists didn't count on when they kidnapped Tina Davenport from her remote mountain cabin. As daughter of a decorated Green Beret, Tina has studied survival techniques of her own, and she brazenly challenges the depraved survivalists to a contest of skill in exchange for her life... But, they quickly realize that this is no game, it's an all out war of wits and that Tina is determined to win with deadly vengeance... 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


In the post-apocalyptic future, the barren wasteland that was once the fertile green Earth is now ruled by hordes of deranged biker fiends and motor-psychos. These marauders seek that which is most precious in this parched, dying land - clean water. Only the aged survivors remember precipitation called rain. The rest of the populace dream of purified tanks of H2O held by a race of horribly scarred nuclear mutants.
It is into this scenario that the Exterminator, accompanied by his mercenary ex-girlfriend and a bionic orphan, stalks the pure waters of the nuke mutants. These three battle the savage elements, survive vicious biker tortures, and finally duel with the vile wrath of the nuke mutants themselves.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Experience the Old West the way it really was... before the myths were born. A magnificent stallion runs free in this savage land. The horse is so speedy and graceful that its rider feels as if he is riding on a eagle's wing.
Martin Sheen is Pike, a novice trapper who will endure any hardship to capture this wild beast. Sam Waterston challenges him as a Kiowa warrior, White Bull.
Pikes attempt to capture the elusive steed from White Bull becomes a mystical pursuit of the Indian soul-and his own manhood! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


The quiet town of North Point is being overrun by cockroaches! Sheriff Tarbell believes that genetic experiments being conducted by the INTEC corporation are the cause. Confronted with a potential disaster, Mayor Johnson calls for help.
When Dr. Hubbard from INTEC arrives, she realizes that an innocent experiment has gone terribly wrong. Ordinary roaches are turning into creatures with a taste for blood. Worse, the roaches are genetically mutating... literally becoming whatever they eat.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


After ten years of life-threatening, money-losing expeditions, fortune hunters Max Donigan and Leo Porter are about to call it quits. Then a beautiful young woman appears with a map to the long-lost gold hordes of the ancient Aztecs. Dollar signs in their eyes, the trio embarks for the darkest Guatemala, where one cliff-hanger after another as they battle merciless mercenaries, hero-hungry jungle critters and the super naturally evil Aztec medicine man, El Coyote! It's a free-spirited, head-over-heals romp into high-adrenaline action adventure!    

Monday, July 9, 2012


It is 1990 and the Bronx has been officially declared a " No Man's Land." In a catastrophic uprising, the dregs of society this metropolitan wasteland have violently rebelled against the fat cats of Manhattan. Authorities have withdrawn all law enforcement groups, and surrender the borough to the rule of its contending warrior gangs.
It is in this grim landscape that Anne, a Manhattan runway, and Trash, a motorcycle-gang leader fall in love. But their romance is short lived, falling prey to the scheming of Hammer. In the employment of the Manhattan Corporation and charged with bringing Anne back, Hammer sparks a new and vicious round of feuding.
Ultimately, several gangs align, in spite of their differences, and engage in a deadly battle with Hammer and his forces. In a rubble strewn fortress, the final showdown begins. Thrilling, fast-paced, and barbaric, 1990: THE BRONX WARRIORS is an unforgettable descent into a futuristic inferno.


Debonair yet ruthless, Colonel Victor Khudenko recruits Russia's most beautiful and talented teenage girls to attend his secret school to become international sex spies. Major Vera Malevich, Khudenko's cold, stern wife, supervises the school's curriculum, systematically stripping the girls of their cloths and identities... coercing them to sacrifice mind and body to the State... brainwashing them into submission... ultimately molding deadly K.G.B. agents
Elena is the star pupil. Forced to surrender her virginity to an anonymous cadet, Elena is chosen to lead her group of the elite graduates in subversive field work - luring, seducing and entrapping selected American targets - from students to key international dignitaries. Intrigue turns to heart pounding suspense as Elena, posing as an American student, falls uncontrollable in love with her you "hit" and the dream of freedom he represents.
Under close surveillance, television monitors record their every move. Elena has only seconds to determine f=her fate as she becomes both the huntress and the hunted in this game of sexpionage. The clock is ticking!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Having conquered practically every kingdom in the medieval world, the evil King Cromwell had yet one more kingdom to subdue, the richest of them all, Eh-Dan.
Unable to do so militarily, he turns to an evil force, the Sorcerer, whom he awakens from a thousand year sleep. As a result, Eh-Dan is destroyed. Only the young Prince Talon escapes, vowing to avenge his family ( murdered by Cromwell ) and his kingdom. Eleven years pass and Prince Talon is a young man and leader of a band of tough mercenaries. He encounters the beautiful Alana being attacked by a band of drunken soldiers. She seeks his help in rescuing her inprisoned ( by Cromwell ) brother, Mikah. Talon is successful and rescues the Prince and other rebel prisoners, only to be captured himself. Although impaled by spikes, Talon's super-human strength frees him from his bonds and in a head-on confrontation kills the Sorcerer, Xusia, with his triple-bladed sword. Only Cromwell remains and he, too, is felled by Talon's mighty sword. The force of good has triumphed over the force of evil! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Linda Blair is Brenda, vivacious leader of the "Satins," a fun-loving group of pretty high school girls. The Satins are in for trouble from the first moment they play a harmless trick on the "Scars"- a vicious gang who run loose on the Hollywood streets. 
The Scars and their malevolent leader Jake take their revenge seriously - first with Brenda's deaf-mute sister, then her soon-to-be-married best friend. Caught up in her rivalry with the cheerleaders, Brenda is at first unaware of the Scars' involvement, but is soon shocked with the whole truth. Shock... hatred... and then a deadly vengeance in a skin tight black suit, as Brenda searches out the gang members one by one. 
SAVAGE STREETS-Where the only rule is "eye for an eye."

Monday, July 2, 2012


During a highly classified mission to crack down on ruthless cocaine czar Gonzalo Reyes, U.S. drug enforcement agent Cliff Adams suddenly finds himself drawn into a maze of brutal assassination and violent political intrigue. Then, just as Adams is closing in on his prey, Reyes turns the tables by kidnapping the American's beautiful journalist girlfriend. In a spectacular, single-handed assault on the private army holding her hostage, Adams ignites the jungle in a blazing, tropical apocalypse of sheer, unstoppable heroism.